The Week in Yum July 26- August 1 Queen, Patois, Kadbanu and Recipieces This Week

I ate nothing but I took The Kid to see Queen and that was THE highlight of my week, so there

 Busy, busy week again starting with Queen at the ACC on Monday. Shack surprised The Kid and I with amazing seats for the concert because he knows that my son and I share a deep and abiding love for Queen. Let's face it, although they both still play with the energy and stamina of 25 year olds, Brian May and Roger Taylor are closer to 70 than 60 and this could be the last time they play together like this.  Adam Lambert was born to sing this music and did a fine job of standing in for Freddie Mercury but the thrill, for me, was to breathe the same airspace as Brian May, one of the most important guitarists in rock history, in my humble opinion. We laughed, I cried, we sang and all was right with the world.

Another great dinner with friends at Tabule on Queen East but no photos because it's way too dark in there

I dropped in to the opening night party for Kadbanu, a new Iranian restaurant at 771 Dundas St West and the joint was hopping! Unfortunately it was hopping so hard that I didn't get to taste any food. I had that delicious vodka/cucumber cocktail down there and walked around a bit and managed to get some photos of a few dishes that they had prepared and set out and it all looked delicious. In order to taste the food I would have had to postition myself in the path of the servers leaving the kitchen with their trays of snacks and I still probably would have had to elbow people out of the way to get anything before it was all gone. As frustrating as this is when I came to sample so I could tell you guys about the food, it is also a sign that everything must have been delicious. I know that their other restaurant, Banu, is a popular spot on Queen West and I look forward to going back some time soon for dinner because everything looked and smelled amazing.

Opening Party at Kadbanu, a new Iranian Eatery on Dundas and Bathurst

Luckily for hungry me, Patois is basically across the street, so Shack and I went there and had our first, proper dinner since they opened. I dream about Craig Wong's OG fried chicken so that was a no brainer but the tempura nori green beans were even better, if that is possible.  If he doesn't put those on the permanent menu, I might have to revolt. In fact, I took home a bit of leftover chicken and green beans for The Kid's lunch the next day and even after spending the night in the fridge in a container, neither was in the least bit soggy and he ate them both cold.
Finally, had a proper dinner at Patois 
 We shared The Patoisized Spaghetti Vongole, made extra rich with an unexpected hit of chinese fermented black bean and Shack had the Chinese Pineapple Bun Burger. To thank Shack for making an emergency cauliflower run for them mid service, Craig brought out a couple of bread puddings for us (Shack's favourite dessert and, coincidentally the dessert special) and sat down with us for a chat. Well, we tried to chat but everyone was grabbing him on the way out to thank him for their dinner and take pictures with him and generally give him the rock star treatment.
Ah, I knew him when......

Tuna with Miso sauce courtesy of Recipieces , another contender in the ready to cook meal prep category

 Pin of the week: Great Food Styling Inspiration Board

Instagram of the week: I love this Toronto guy's stuff

Facebook Share of the week: Speaking of Craig Wong, head down to Harbourfront for the Jerk Jam Competition tonight from 7-9:30pm where an $8 ticket will get you samples from the competing chefs


  1. An undiscovered treasure Chai Adda mississauga! They have delicious chai and delicious samosas and other munchies. A wonderful spot for chai enthusiasts.


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