Double Duty Bobby Flay Day

This weekend was the final week of Love 4 Lasagna at Piccante Dolce and I had decided that I was going to try to make some sort of Lasagna Carbonara for poor Shack. He liked the pastitsio alright but none of these lasagnas have really rocked his world and I am feeling a bit guilty. I wasn't sure how I was going to manage doing a carbonara because the eggs would scramble when baked and that would most likely NOT score me any brownie points with anyone. I was looking around and reading recipes when Food Network Canada announced a cooking club challenge in which you must make Bobby Flay's Macaroni and Cheese Carbonara . Come on, now perfect is that timing?? I had already decided that I would also make the pasta from scratch this time so this is what i did today: I made a half batch of homemade pasta with italian parsely and mixed up some ricotta and swiss chard and made a small lasagna with half the ingredients and I made a mac and cheese like in his recipe w...